Troop 941 Flags Program Terms & Conditions 

Flag Orders

All Flags orders are considered donations and are not refundable.

Flag Orders

To promote uniform placement of the U.S. Flags in your community, the ultimate posting locations will be decided by following internal Troop guidelines.  Your requests for flag placement will be considered within the parameters of consistency within your neighborhood.

Email Reminders

Fulshear Flags will send email reminders concerning payment of your subscription 60 & 30 days prior to your expiration date.

Flags Ownership

All flags remain the property of Troop 941 (is this our entities proper name? Troop 941 of Fulshear, Texas?)

Flags Service

Flags will be posted no later than the morning of the event and will be retrieved no earlier than the evening of the event.  Our Scouts may post earlier and retrieve later than these times by considering many factors such as labor, weather, and safety.

Service Commencement Date

Commencement of your Flag Service will occur on the next holiday. However, if the immediate holiday is within 15 days from the subscription start date, we will begin service on the following holiday. This provides Scouts the needed time to install a flag receiver to hold the flag upright.  The receiver is installed flush with the ground in your yard.